Interdisciplinary Quarterly

A Scholarly WordPress Experience

On Social Issues

The most recent IQ offers student perspectives on interdisciplinary social issues. Points of departure include race, class, economics, and politics. We explore the ways in which socioeconomic dynamics inform and shape identity—from the past to the present. We also consider the ways in which characters struggle to make a difference despite injustice and oppression from the margins of […]

George Orwell’s 1984 and the Twenty-First Century

By Megan Attwood

Big Brother is already watching, but does the warning in George Orwell’s 1984 still hold true in the twenty-first century? In 1984, the ministries of Truth, Love, and War controlled Oceania by lying to the public, monitoring their actions and thoughts, and maintaining a constant war no matter the enemy. Today, those […]

Review: The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity

Book Review

By Dr. Jessica Magnani

In his introduction to The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity, Robert Frodeman argues that “interdisciplinarity represents a resurgence of interest in a larger view of things,” (xxxi) and consequently a shift away from the insularity of disciplinary thinking, a sentiment echoed in […]